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St. Mary’s County Teen Court – FY 11

General Statistics for St. Mary’s County Teen Court
Total Cases Adjudicated* 5
Total Successful Completions 4
Completion Rate 80%
Community Service Hours Completed 76
Total Youth Volunteers (Former Respondents) 195 (N/A)
Service Learning Hours Earned** 540
Adult Volunteers N/A
Adult Volunteer Hours Contributed N/A

Cases Adjudicated is the number of Teen Court hearings that took place this year. Successful Completions is the number of respondents who complete the assigned sanctions within the allocated time period.

**   Maryland requires high school students to complete 75 hours of “Service Learning” activities as a prerequisite for graduation. Teen Court youth jurors earn Service Learning hours each time they volunteer.

* * * NOTE:  The St. Mary’s County Teen Court Program went into hiatus and subsequently underwent a comprehensive re-evaluation/update from January 2011 to Fall 2012, and was re-established, becoming fully operational again in FY 13 * * *